Bloemfontein Braai

Bloemfontein Braai

Since member companies, the Chair and Treasurer of FFETA and various SAQCC-Fire presenters were already in Bloemfontein for the SAQCC-Fire Roadshow, we decided to hold a FFETA function at the same time.

Being in the Free State, the function just had to be a braai, held in the gardens of Kopano Nokeng on a wonderfully warm evening in October. With the aroma of meat sizzling over the coals and the drinks flowing, the festivities continued late into the evening, resulting in a few sore heads the next day. View our slideshow of the event below.

About us

FFETA was formed in 1973 for the benefit of manufacturers, wholesalers and retailers of fire fighting equipment and their customers.

Our main aims are to inform members and encourage customer satisfaction through product integrity and our Code of Conduct.

We are committed to promoting high standards in equipment, workmanship, maintenance and service to the public – and ethical conduct within the industry. We also take the responsibility of eradicating any harmful business practices that might affect the industry.

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  • Address: 1st Floor West
    Helvetia House
    Greenvale Road
    Wilbart, Germiston

    Postal: Postnet Suite #86
    Private Bag X10020
    Edenvale 1610

  • Phone: +27 11 455 3157

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