FFETA Functions
Member functions have been held in Cape Town, PE, Durban and Rustenburg. These have proved immensely successful with giveaways as well as the lucky draw for those FFETA members attending for the two tickets from that area to the FFETA Black Tie Gala being held at the Indaba Hotel in Gauteng on Saturday 18th November. FFETA will be paying for their flights (or travel) and accommodation. So far, we have four lucky couples with two more to go before the big event. Dates of the next functions are shown below.
Polokwane: Grin Court Nature Reserve, Friday 15 September
Bloemfontein: Kopano Nokeng Conference Venue, Friday 13 October
Johannesburg And surrounds: Indaba Hotel – Black Tie Function to launch our 50th Anniversary year, Saturday 18 November
Below are photographs of the functions that have taken place so far, and you can see from these, what a wonderful time has been had by all.
Durban in particular with its larger FFETA member base had a “Masked” Quiz evening along with its dinner, which heralded some pretty shady tactics and caused much hilarity. As the membership increases in other areas, it is hoped to have themed evenings at those functions as well.
Rustenburg specifically, lends itself to a theme with the spectacular venue being used of the Excalibur Boutique Hotel – which is a mini Medieval castle and they put us in their “Enchanted Forest” room. However, as this was the initial function for Rustenburg, we felt for a first attempt, we would hold off on the fancy dress. Thanks must go to our NW Province committee member, Felicity Magodi for checking out this venue for us in advance.